Instagram filter ideas can boost a business’ visibility, as the increased use of augmented reality technology – whether through simple lenses, mobile applications or complicated, but still relatively early stage hardware – continues to expand.
In 2022, consumer-facing companies should have among its marketing campaigns and product efforts the usual suspects, of course: ad spends, sponsored content opportunities, social media interaction and perhaps influencer scouting.
However, another arrow in the 2022 marketing quiver should be a constantly growing idea bucket that include Instagram filter ideas.
These include but, obviously, are not limited to Instagram AR filters, perhaps AR-driven video games and, of course, enhancements to our real world.
We live in a world where AR effects have really taken off and being a part of a growing trend could drive consumers’ attitudes about your business. Instagram filter ideas should be heavily curated by your company and employees, allowing for quick response to trending ideas.
These are the products and campaigns that shine on social media today.
Even within specific sites like Instagram, there exist plenty of options to drive traffic.
You can tell a story about your brand and what it’s up to using Instagram story filters.
Jump on IG and check what’s trending. Can you create brand-specific marketing campaigns that take advantage of search volume, without looking like you’re trying too hard.
If you have an upcoming release, Instagram story filters are a perfect way to enhance that release in an engaging way because, well, that’s the secret to doing social media well: engagement.
So what are some ways to make sure that your Instagram filter ideas not only represent the brand well but are also engaging, fun and effective?
Let’s dive into a few ideas we at BrandXR have for you and, if it’s something you want to explore for your brand, please reach out to see if a potential collaboration is a right fit for you.
In 2022, it would be simple enough to say, “OK, let’s do augmented reality so we can make a bunch of money.”
Remember the underpants gnomes? It’s a “South Park” meme and it’s so appropriate here.
Step 1: Collect underpants.
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Profit.
That’s not how it works with underpants and, well, that’s not how it works with augmented reality.
It takes planning to come together as a team and run through some Instagram filter ideas.
While the flexibility of creating AR effects today far exceeds anything that has been available in the past, success still comes down to good old-fashioned planning.
The power of Instagram story filters grows when taken as a natural part of a business’ content cycle and not an afterthought.
When all employees understand the need to have Instagram filter ideas, the whole company can start to shine on the platform.
Having a healthy number of Instagram filter ideas is one thing.
However, the execution of the plan and production of the filters takes a certain level of expertise and specific skillsets.
While some companies might have that kind of knowledge in-house, many turn to businesses that specialize in building AR effects.
There are several factors that should play into your decision of which company to go with, including, but not limited to, budget, relationships, producer’s past experience and portfolio, etc.
If your company wants to jump into this arena feet first, having the right partner to walk you through the issues that Instagram AR filters might bring up is crucial.
At the same time, you need creative teams that can bring clever ideas to the table for your team.
Choose wisely and it could become a long-term relationship that bears fruit for both sides.
You’ll notice that, up until now, we have not even mentioned what it takes to run the actual Instagram AR filter campaign, despite that being the title of this blog.
That’s intentional.
What’s the old saying? “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.”
It’s true here.
Social media, in general, is accessible to anyone.
But the ones that succeed do an excruciating amount of planning.
If you work smart ahead of time, success is essentially baked into the campaign.
In 2022, the success of Instagram filter ideas takes dedication, patience and iteration.
So how do you run a successful Instagram AR filter campaign?
Now that you have your team prepared, your business and AR partner, if you need one, should plan regular content around augmented reality.
Some tips on optimizing the effectiveness of content AFTER it’s created:
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