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Bring Your Brand

To Life With Augmented Reality!

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Increase Skills and Efficiency. Reduce Accidents and Training Costs.

Get Started

Training and Simulation are the fastest growing industry of VR/AR.

Allowing users to "learn while doing" is not only more engaging than other forms of training, but users learn quicker and trainers can get much more accurate data on their training outcomes.

Use Cases: Digital Twins, AR Hotspots, Interactive Step-by-Step Guides, Simulations


Interactions with Products that Feature 3D AR Models Achieve 94% Higher Conversions

Shoppers are 10x more likely to purchase a product after visualizing it in AR and brands are seeing 3x more product engagement. 

Use Cases: "Try Before You Buy" Product Visualizations, Interactive Product Configurators, Virtual Stores


Increase Skills and Efficiency. Reduce Accidents and Training Costs.

Training and Simulation are the fastest growing industry of VR/AR.

Allowing users to "learn while doing" is not only more engaging than other forms of training, but users learn quicker and trainers can get much more accurate data on their training outcomes.

Use Cases: Digital Twins, AR Hotspots, Interactive Step-by-Step Guides, Simulations


Increase Skills and Efficiency. Reduce Accidents and Training Costs.

Get Started

Training and Simulation are the fastest growing industry of VR/AR.

Allowing users to "learn while doing" is not only more engaging than other forms of training, but users learn quicker and trainers can get much more accurate data on their training outcomes.

Use Cases: Digital Twins, AR Hotspots, Interactive Step-by-Step Guides, Simulations


Go Viral and Generate Millions of Brand Impressions with User Generated Content

AR Experiences are user-generated content machines that can produce millions of viral fan videos and photos

Use Cases: Bring Print & Packaging to Life with AR, Branded Mini-Games, Social AR Filters, Virtual Events

Therrin Protze  | |  COO, Kennedy Space Center

The immersive atmosphere is really something we strive for at the Kennedy Space Center. We want our guests to feel space, not just come and see it. BrandXR makes that experience come alive.

If you can dream it, we can build it. Collaborate with BrandXR’s Pro Services Team today.

The BrandXR ProServices Team is made of 3D modelers, animators, business strategists, Unity, Unreal, and App developers with decades of experience.

Instagram, FaceBook, Snapchat
TikTok Filters

2D/3D Art & Animation Production

3D Product Visuals & Digital Twins

Custom Android & iOS Apps

Creative as a Service & Metaverse 
Strategy Consulting

Custom Programming & Feature

Randall Commissaris, Ph.D.  | |   Professor, Wayne State University

It never quite got off the ground until we got with BrandXR.

Apple, Microsoft, Google, NVIDIA, and META have invested billions in the Metaverse.

Learn why?

Moody Mattan, CEO of BrandXR, presented "Welcome to the Metaverse" at TEDxDetroit 2021. Watch the talk to learn important Metaverse concepts and why brands are racing to join the Metaverse.

Let's Connect

Want to create 3D Augmented Reality experiences yourself?

The BrandXR is a No-Code Platform with AI tools to Create, Publish and Measure 3D Augmented Reality Experieces.

AR Insights

Augmented Reality Watch Try-Ons: Enhancing the Online Shopping Experience
By Moody Mattan 28 Apr, 2024
This article explains how AR watch try-ons transform the watch industry, giving brands a competitive edge and improving customer experiences.
The Ultimate Augmented Reality Platform Comparison Chart
By Moody Mattan 27 Apr, 2024
Whether you're a marketer, developer, or content creator, grasping the nuances of AR platforms helps you choose wisely for your project's needs.
Augmented Reality in the Food and Drink Industry: Enhancing Consumer Engagement and Experience
By Moody Mattan 26 Apr, 2024
This article explores the multifaceted impact of AR on the food and drink sector, providing a comprehensive overview of its benefits and applications.

Let's Talk About Your Project

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